Remove the back end of the flower, the part that holds it all together.
I used to painstakingly glue each petal stack together so it would stay when I attached it to the clip. But I have a better way:
Take your wood burner or lighter and hold it to the plastic in the middle. This will of course melt it.
Working quickly, use your needle nose pliers or another flat metal surface to flatten out the melted plastic.
These are my little Goosie's fingers. She loves to help! But knows not to touch the "Green thing." EVER. (That is what I call my wood burner) :)
You will now have a flat surface where you can add your lined clip. And it will lay nicely instead of NOT. And by melting the plastic center the flower will not come apart and you do not have to glue each individual layer.
The finished product.

Absolutely adorable in piggies or attached to crochet headband which you can find at...
I HAVE to attest to this AWESOME method- Jen you're a GENIUS! Have I ever told you that?
I LOVE these flower clips! You'll find NOTHING that compares to what Jen has and can do!!! Love ya, Jen!
You are brilliant! The site looks great, with lots of good information for the rest of us who lack your creative genius!
I just bought a bunch of new flowers and can't wait to try this trick out! (since all the last ones I did fell off!)
I linked you on my side bar as a make or buy your bows here tab. Love your new site!
That is so cute! I'm about to follow your blog and save it as a favorite!!
I cant wait to start putting bows and headbands in my baby girl's hair!
Great tutorial!
Check out my current giveaways! A Bath Luve to keep your new babe on the way warm in the tub! :) AND a Dapper Tag!
Great Tutorial! We linked to you! :)
I have a question! I have been making these for awhile and love that you have shown others to do this technique! Do you know what can be done when you have a flower that has creases? I recently bought a lot of them stem free instead of buying bunches of them at the store, however they have folds that just won't stay down! Any suggestions?
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