I love ribbon! I think the funnest part of my job/hobby is designing. I love putting different patterns and color combinations together. I haven't had to much time to design lately because we are so busy preparing for upcoming boutiques. So.... yesterday I took some time and came up with this little cutie. One of my favorite ribbons is the 3/8 gingham, I add this to several of my small stacks and I think it gives the bow a fun look. One of the most difficult things I have to do is come up with clever names for these bows to make them unique. I have had a few ideas come to mind, then I had a great idea.....Why not let you help me? So.... hop on over to facebook if you have an account, and leave me a suggestion, or you can do it here. If I pick yours, the bow is yours. Let me know what you think!
8 years ago